domingo, 16 de outubro de 2011


Where is the wires?

Old Power Plant

Lake view

Great Dome

Atlas kind

I know that this building used to be a great coffe shop, and the most influent men in town used to come here to meet.. about 50 years ago..


Music 16/10/11



This is a particular representation of justice, it doesn't have a blindfold, coz the justice can not be blind, and doesn't carry the scales, coz justice cant carry any kind of weight.

Monument to Julio de Castilhos

Modern Architecture

Iberê Camargo Institute

First Sunlights

Street Market

Gremista  = The one that cheers to Gremio football club, a soccer team
Colorado = The one that cheers to Internacional football club.

Angels, Cherubim and Lions

Good Park, Bad Park

Public market Southeast


Statue of... liber... ty?

quinta-feira, 13 de outubro de 2011


Click to really enlarge

God morning friends of Waldo/Wally (it depends in what country you are.. I think its in France that they call him Charlie..) today our friend Waldo/Wally is taking a walk at Monroe St. in  Porto Alegre Brazil! can you find him? and if you find, you can also look for a man behind a car, a Volkswagen , tho guys looking to the camera, a woman wearing a Adidas tracksuit, a diagonal building and a security camera! you can also try to find some bird.. but i realy think that there is no birds in this shot.. at least I couldn't find any...